Live Street


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Download Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 Demo

Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 (PES 2012 atau lebih dikenal sebagai Winning Eleven 2012 di Asia) adalah edisi ke-sebelas dari seri Pro Evolution Soccer produksi dari Konami beserta Blue Sky Team. Pada edisi sebelumnya  Lionel Messi menjadi cover player pada tampilan Pro Evolution Soccer sejak tahun 2009, dan untuk pada edisi sekarang akan digantikan oleh Cristiano Ronaldo.

Seperti versi sebelumnya UEFA secara ekslusif memberikan kembali licensenya, anta lain untuk UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League dan UEFA Super Cup serta CONMEBOL yang memberikan licensinyaitu Copa Santander Libertadores.

PES 2012 demo akan direlease 2 kali, Pertama release pada 24 Agustus 2011 yaitu menampilkan konsep awal. Kedua akan selesai pada pertengahan bulan September. Keduanya tersedia pada PlayStation3, Xbox 360 dan PC.



Download (mediafire)
Part1  Part2  Part3  Part4  Part5  Part6  Part7  Part8

PES 2012 System Requirements

PES 2012 System Requirements 

PES 2012 Minimum System Requirements :

Windows XP SP3, Vista SP2, 7
Intel Pentium IV 2.4GHz or equivalent processor
8GB free hard disk space
DirectX 9.0c compatible video card. 128MB Pixel Shader 3.0 (NVIDIA GeForce 6600 or AMD/ATI Radeon x1300 video card)
DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
DirectX 9.0c or higher (included on Disc)
Windows compatible keyboard
800 x 600 monitor resolution

PES 2012 Recomended System Requirements :

Windows XP SP3, Vista SP2, 7
Intel Core2 Duo 2.0GHz or equivalent processor
8GB free hard disk space
DirectX 9.0c compatible video card. 512MB Pixel Shader 3.0 (NVIDIA GeForce 7900 or AMD/ATI Radeon HD2400 or better)
DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
DirectX 9.0c or higher (included on Disc)
Windows compatible USB Gamepad
1280 x 720 monitor resolution

Supported Chipsets for Playing PES2012:

NVIDIA – GeForce GTX285, 9800, 8800, 8600, 7950, 7900, 7800, 7300, 6800, 6600, 6200
AMD/ATI – Radeon HD5850, HD5770, HD4870, HD4650, HD3870, HD2600, HD2400, X1900,
X1650, X1600, X1300
Intel – HD Graphics 2000, HD Graphics 3000

PES 2012 Controls :

Default Keyboard Controls

UP up arrow
DOWN down arrow
LEFT left arrow
RIGHT right arrow

Default Game Pad Controls

UP Y Axis -
DOWN Y Axis +
LEFT X Axis -
RIGHT X Axis +
LONG PASS Button 1
SHOOT Button 3
DASH Button 6

Web Sites

KONAMI Global Website

Monday, July 11, 2011

BEST SOFTWARE Streaming Made In Indonesia - Pertama Di Indonesia dan Terlengkap

Konsep :
Aplikasi ini turut membantu program pemerintah dengan konsep untuk mengurangi kemacetan, dengan melihat fitur CCTV Traffic mudah2an agan bisa mengecek terlebih dahulu kondisi lalu lintas yang ada di kota agan, bilamana macet dirumah aja ya gan sambil nonton ato dengerin radio di HTV, daripada suntuk, bosen, kaki pegel, BT, pala ruwet kena macet dijalan mending dirumah santai-santai bersama HTV. Mudah2an pemerintah daerah lainnya bisa memasang CCTV Traffic juga ya gan, biar lebih lengkap semuannya, jadi semuannya bisa terpantau, kalau yang Ibu Kota Jakarta sih sudah sangat lengkap, tinggal didaerah ada sebagian yang mati. Silahkan dibagi-bagikan ke teman-teman kantor ya gan mudah2an berguna buat berangkat kerja atau pulang kerja atau sambil kerja

Menu special yang tersedia di HTV :

1. TV Online Mancanegara
2. TV Online Indonesia
3. Radio Online Mancanegara
4. Radio Online Indonesia
5. CCTV Mancanegara
6. CCTV Indonesia
7. Cinema 24 HTV
8. TVU & Sofpcast Channel
9. Relax Game
10. Chat HTV

 Keuntungan menggunakan aplikasi multifungsi ini :
1. Full Hiburan siaran bermutu Lokal dan Mancanegara (Mancanegaranya ga nahan gan kualitas KW 1 SUPER gan, ga kalah sama TV kabel...
2. Bisa tau posisi jalan-jalan di Jakarta atau di Luar kota yang lancar atau yang macet.
3. Pengguna Busway/ TransJakarta bisa ngecek gan Halte lagi rame apa ngak, jadi kalo ngantor pas lagi ga rame buruan jalan gan..
4. Punya usaha rumah makan, minimarket, warnet? pastinya butuh hiburan music biar pengunjung ga bosen, pakai saja HTV, silahkan pilih bnyk channel-chanel radio dan tv 24 jam yg siap menemani anda, baik dalam negeri atupun luar negeri. Serasa pengunjung anda semakin dimanjakan..
5. Agan punya anak, ponakan, sepupu? HTV tersedia channel-channel khusus anak agan.
6. Bisa buat teman santai sambil kerja gan, apalagi sambil ngaskus.
7. Buffer diminimalisir gan, lebih maknyos nontonnya.
8. Suka ngegame gan iseng2? silahkan dicoba menu baru HTV nya , lumayan buat ngilangin bosen sewaktu istirahat..
9. Hobi nonton bioskop gan? wah cocok banget nih di HTV bnyk siaran2 cinema yang bisa jadi referensi buat nonton ala bioskop rumahan/ kantoran..
10. Paling utama keuntungannya tanpa instalasi gan, bisa ditaro di Flashdisk agan, jd dimana saja dan kpn saja kalo lagi mampir2 bisa langsung mendapatkan hiburan.

Tambahan :
Bagi Pecinta serial drama korea, mandarin dllnya kali ini ada info bagus silahkan anda pilih dari Channel Indonesia - Mivo 1 disana ada menu-menu baru buat pecinta serial drama. silahkan dinikmati gan semakin lengkap memanjakan sista-sista sekalian yang hobbie nonton drama korea 24 jam nonstop. Sub bahasa indonesia.

24 Jam NONSTOP anda akan terhibur dengan aplikasi HTV
Membuat hari-harimu semakin bersemangat
Dirumah, Dikantor, NGASKUS tiada kata SUNTUK, HTV siap menemani kegiatan hari-hari anda.

TV Lokal lengkap : RCTI, SCTV, Global, MNC, Metro, Mivo dllnya
TV Mancanegara : lebih dari 300 Channel terlengkap. KIDS, Movie, Entertaiment, Bussines, Sport, Music lengkap Semuanya
Radio Mancanegara + Lokal : Hits2 radio-radio terlengkap didunia dan terbaik 24 jam Nonstop
CCTV : Pantau jalanan di ibu kota sekarang juga, hindari kemacetan sebelum anda berpergian.
Cinema 24 : Tonton siaran-siaran bioskop 24 jam di menu ini.

- Special Thanks : Buat streaming-streamingan channel yang ada yang mungkin tdk bisa disebutkan satu persatu seperti Mivo, Indoweb, CCTV Traffic pemerintah daerah, RTMC Polri dllnya, dan beberapa owner/ admin channel yang meminta siarannya dimasukan ke dalam aplikasi HTV, untuk agan-agan yang mempunyai siaran-siarannya bagi yang ingin dimasukan ke HTV silahkan PM ke ane saja ya nanti ane coba list dulu untuk next version. Mudah-mudahan aplikasi ini semakin lengkap lagi menghibur anda semua..

Download : mediafire

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Antivirus Gratis (Mediafire)

Tanpa antivirus di komputer seperti rumah kita tanpa dipagari, ya itulah gambaran sederhana kita terhadap hal yang lumrah di kehidupan sehari-hari. Pentingnya antivirus apalagi antivirus gratis membuat komputer kita terjaga dari virus, malware atau sejenisnya.Beberapa antivirus gratis full version dapat anda jadikan pilihan terbaik menjaga komputer kita dari serangan “penyakit digital”. Antivirus gratis di bawah bukan berarti selamanya gratis, tetapi ada juga antivirus yang hanya bisa dinikmati gratisannya memiliki batasan waktu (percobaan) atau bisa dikenal dengan masa trial.

Berikut diantaranya antivirus :

1. Avast Antivirus


Avast Antivirus menawarkan perlindungan yang handal baik dari virus maupun syware. Avast versi antivirus gratis merupakan perangkat lunak gratis atau freeware antivirus yang memberikan perlindungan data dan sistem scan yang cepat. Avast birkenerja sangat menakjubkan. Antivirus, antispyware, dan mesin heuristik membentuk inti perlindungan yang mencakup beberapa tambahan melindungi perangkat anda secara real-time.
Avast sanggup menjaga data anda disaat anda online atau teroneksi dengan internet. Avast Antivirus Gratis dapat berjalan pada sistem 32 bit dan 64 bit.

2. Kaspersky Antivirus 


Kaspersky Labs terus-menerus meningkatkan popularitasnya dalam sektor perangkat lunak keamanan seperti Antivirus. Memiliki semua fitur yang baik dan sumber daya yang menjanjikan, dikemas secara user interface yang menggabungkan kecanggihan dan mudah digunakan. Semua fungsi neccessesty seperti Perlindungan Real-Time terhadap virus, spyware, Trojan virus, worm, rootkit, botnet dan banyak lagi.
Sangat kuat sebagai Anti-Spam, Smaller Constant Signature Updates (semacam update secara berkala), Two-Way Firewall untuk membantu mencegah serangan hacker. Kaspersky Anti-virus 2011 memberikan perlindungan dan keamanan yang luar biasa. Sayang, Kaspersky Antivirus Gratis dapat anda nikmati hanya selama 30 hari. Selebihnya anda diminta melakukan upgrade ke versi berbayar.

3. Avira AntiVir 


Avira AntiVir mendapat Penghargaan 5-star PCSL Award untuk Juli 2010, merupakan ativirus gratis terbaik menurut saya karena kemampuan diagnosis dan memilki versi gratis yang dapat update jika kita sedang terkoneksi dengan internet.
Avira AntiVir Personal edition melindungi komputer anda dari serangan virus, Trojan virus, worm, spyware, adware, ditambah beberapa jenis lain malware, yang semakin memperkokoh anggapan bahwa Avira AntiVir merupakan antivirus gratis terbaik untuk saat ini. Sistem operasi yang didukung oleh Avira AntiVir adalah keluaran Microsoft Windows 7, Windows Vista, XP dan juga Windows

4. AVG Antivirus Gratis


AVG Antivirus Gratis mampu melindungi data-data pribadi anda dari serangan pencuri data di dunia online. AVG adalah merek besar dari sektor antivirusyang merupakan solusi keamanankomputer anda. AVG telah meluncurkan Internet Security suite. Versi terbaru dari suite ini menyediakan total 13 elemen berbeda, semua bekerja untuk melindungi pc anda dari serangan virus ditambah perlindungan data pribadi Anda secara implisit.
AVG Internet Security Suite adalah produk berbayar dan cocok untuk perusahaan-perusahaan yang takut akan pencuri data yang bergentayangan di dunia online. Untuk personal, anda dapat memanfaatkan versi gratisnya yang bisa di update untuk jangka yang lama.

5. McAfee Antivirus Gratis


Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan McAfee? salah satu nama terbesar di program keamanan perangkat lunak. Program antivirus pc ini memiliki beberapa fitur luar biasa yang akan membuat antivirus McAfee ini sebagai pilihan yang menarik. Penjadwalan Scaning berjalan dan konfigurasi tweaking dapat dinikmati oleh banyak pengguna Antivirus .
Navigasi yang mudah menambah sisi positif McAfee Antivirus. Sistem yang terpusat memudahkan kita melakukan monitoring apa saja yang terjadi di dalam komputer kita. Anda dapat menikmati McAfee Antivirus Gratis selama 30 hari dan selanjutnya silahkan lakukan upgrade untuk mendapatkan sistem Antivirus yang easy use.

Smartphone turntables put new spin on DJing

Scratching - moving a vinyl record back and forth while it's playing to produce a distinctive sound - is a mainstay of the DJing profession, but one that's threatened by the change from records to a laptop full of MP3s. Now, DJs can now transform their analogue turntables into the digital variety by placing a smartphone on top of their record, providing a whole new way to scratch.

Nicholas Bryan, who researches music, computing and design at Stanford University, has developed an app that uses an iPod Touch or iPhone's accelerometer and gyroscope to detect a DJ's scratching motion. These sensors aren't very precise, but because scratching is limited to a circular motion it is easy to extract the centripetal force and thus the rotational velocity of the scratch. The data is then wirelessly transmitted to the DJ's computer to manipulate its audio playback.

Digital turntables that let DJs scratch CDs or MP3s already exist, but Bryan says his system, called MOPHO DJ, offers a number of advantages. It lets DJs use their old equipment with little-to-no modification - Bryan made a plexiglass disc to hold his iPhone in place, but say you could easily just use an old record instead. "This allows one turntable to easily be used for both analog and digital scratching and provides a similar feel to the musician," he says.

The system can also take advantage of the iPhone's screen to display a real-time audio waveform or apply additional audio effects. DJs can even forgo turntables entirely, and pick up their phone for a spot of "air scratching". Bryan will present the system at the New Interfaces for Musical Expression conference in Norway at the end of May, and plans to release the iPhone app and accompanying DJ software in the future.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Silent Hill 3 PC Game Full Free Download

Silent Hill 3 is the third installment in the Silent Hill survival horror series. It is a direct sequel to the first Silent Hill game,[2] staged seventeen years after the game's events.[3] This entry is centered on a teenage girl named Heather who is drawn into Silent Hill's bizarre reality after a terrifying experience one afternoon at a shopping mall. She ultimately discovers she is a part of the plans of the town's cult, and becomes caught in a conflict within the cult itself.

The game was released in mid-2003 for the Sony PlayStation 2 and was ported to the PC later that year. It was mostly well-received by critics, especially in its presentation, including the environments, graphics and audio, as well as the overall horror elements and themes that are continued from past installments.


Download Link

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Android Is On The Platform “Smartphone” World’s Largest

The result of a recent survey conducted by Canalys show that Android surpassed Symbian as a platform smartphone in the world. Android-based smartphone product distribution during the fourth quarter of 2010 reached 33.3 million units and placing it as the largest market share holder of 32.9 percent.

Symbian is now to be satisfied ranked second with 30.6 percent market share. The number of smartphone Symbian are distributed is still under Android, which is only 31 million units. Following the Android and Symbian consecutive iOS from Apple, BlackBerry from RIM, and Windows 7 Phone from Microsoft. IOS reach 16.2 percent market share with 16.2 million units of smartphones. BlackBerry market share reached 14.4 percent with 14.6 million units of smartphones. Microsoft took market share of 3.1 percent with 3.1 million units of smartphones. The remaining 2.9 percent market share divided by 3 million units of smartphones with various other platforms.

“Distribution of Android-based smartphone has a seven-fold surge to 33 million units worldwide since driven high sales in different handset vendors, such as Samsung of Korea and Taiwan’s HTC Corp.,” said Canalys analyst in his report on Monday (1/31/2011 .) In the fourth quarter of 2009, Android is a new record market share of 8.7 percent to 4.7 million units of smartphones.

From the survey it was found that the amount of the distribution of smartphone during the fourth quarter of 2010 increased nearly two times higher than last year. The number of smartphones that are distributed to reach 101.1 million units compared to 53.7 million units in the fourth quarter of 2009.

Despite all distribution platforms has increased the number of handsets, Android just recorded an increase in market share. Symbian previously in first place with 44.4 percent market share, followed by 20 percent iOS BlackBerry, iPhone OS 16.3 percent, 8.7 percent of Android, Windows 7.2 percent, and another 3.4 percent.

TV No Longer Making Dizzy Head!

One of a ultimate technologies in the radio attention today is the free-viewpoint television (FTV). Through this technology, viewers not usually quiescent to saying a cinema taken cameraman, though additionally can see a alternative side of a design broadcast.

However, how a consequences of regulating this record for eye health? Whether to have a assembly feel drunken when you saw him? Masayuki Tanimoto, Nagoya University highbrow who for fifteen years building this technology, say, FTV will not means a problem.

“We have been researching about this television movie. There have been no illness goods or have giddy. 3D TV can have a headache since it usually shows a dual sides. Our eyes have been not means to locate it with comfortable,” pronounced Tanimoto in front of participants International Workshop upon Advanced Image Technology ( IWAIT) 2011, hold Friday as well as Saturday (7-8/1/2011).

Tanimoto pronounced which FTV will yield some-more sides images shown. “So, a design will turn most some-more realistic. What you see after is a really healthy image. The some-more a images prisoner so naturally, you would not feel drunken as well as tired,” he explained.

He pronounced a focus FTV will shift a approach people perspective television. In further will demeanour really healthy image, viewers can additionally be active in selecting a images which will be seen. FTV record will additionally be utilitarian in preparation as well as enlightenment by television.

Inovasi Terbaru Walkman Tahan Air

PT Sony Indonesia memperkenalkan seri walkman terbarunya yaitu Walkman NWZ-W252. Walkman ini dirancang khusus tanpa kabel dan diharapkan dapat memudahkan penggunanya saat beraktivitas seperti berolahraga.
"Selain tanpa kabel produk ini juga kedap air, jadi ketika terkena hujan atau cipratan air, produk ini masih bisa bertahan," kata Annisa Maulina, Product Marketing Personal Audio Sony Indonesia kepada wartawan yang menghadiri media gathering, di Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, Jakarta, Rabu (23/2/2011).
Namun, Annisa menambahkan, bukan berarti produk ini bisa direndam di dalam air, karena produk ini tidak didesain untuk bertahan lama di dalam air. yang hadir dalam acara tersebut sempat menggunakan produk ini sambil bermain wahana arung jeram di Dunia Fantasi. Dan hasilnya memang tidak mengecewakan walaupun air membasahi, produk ini masih tetap bisa bekerja dengan baik.

Menggunakan EX Headphone membuat kualitas suara dari produk ini terjaga dengan baik. Bahkan dengan bermain di wahana arung jeram, pengguna masih bisa mendengar dengan jelas lagu yang diputar.
Kapasitas memori 2 gigabyte memungkinkan pengguna memasukkan cukup banyak lagu selama beraktivitas. Untuk memudahkan pengguna dalam memilih lagu, produk ini dilengkapi dengan fasilitas folder skip, dimana pengguna bisa melompati satu folder lagu ke folder yang diinginkan. Selain itu ada fasilitas ZAPPIN, di mana bagian utama lagu akan dimainkan selama 4 detik sehingga pengguna bisa dengan mudah memilih lagu yang ingin mereka dengar.
Produk dengan empat warna pilihan (hitam, putih, merah muda, dan hijau) ini menggunakan baterai lithium-ion. Dengan waktu pengisian maksimal 90 menit, pengguna bisa mendengarkan lagu secara terus menerus selama 11 jam. "Kalau kita mengisi baterai dengan waktu tiga menit saja, kita sudah bisa menggunakan produk ini selama 90 menit," kata Annisa.

Namun, pengguna hanya bisa mengisi baterai dengan menyambungkan produk ini ke komputer melalui kabel USB. Dengan kata lain pengguna harus memiliki komputer atau netbook untuk mengisi baterai ataupun mengisi data lagu. Produk ini oleh Sony Indonesia dibanderol dengan harga Rp 899.000.


Muse are an English alternative rock band from Teignmouth, Devon, formed in 1994. The band consists of school friends Matthew Bellamy (lead vocals, guitars, piano, keyboards, keytar), Christopher Wolstenholme (bass, backing vocals, keyboards, guitars, harmonica) and Dominic Howard (drums, percussion, synthesisers, backing vocals, sampling). After the release of their 2006 album Black Holes and Revelations, keyboardist and percussionist Morgan Nicholls has performed live with the band. Muse are known for their energetic and extravagant live performances, and their fusion of many music genres, including progressive rock, alternative rock, space rock, pop music, heavy metal, and electronica, with recurring themes of revolution.

Muse have released five studio albums: Showbiz (1999), Origin of Symmetry (2001), Absolution (2003), Black Holes and Revelations (2006), and The Resistance (2009). The band have also issued three live albums, Hullabaloo Soundtrack (2002), which is also a compilation of B-sides, Absolution Tour (2005), and HAARP (2008).

Black Holes and Revelations earned the band a Mercury Prize nomination and a third place finish in the NME Albums of the Year list for 2006. Muse have also won numerous other music awards throughout their history, including five MTV Europe Music Awards, five Q Awards, eight NME Awards, two BRIT awards, an MTV Video Music Award, four Kerrang! Awards and an American Music Award. They were also nominated for three Grammy Awards, of which they won Best Rock Album for their fifth studio album, The Resistance. As of November 2010, Muse have sold over ten million albums worldwide.

1992–1998: Formation and early years

The members of Muse played in separate school bands during their stay at Teignmouth Community College in the early 1990s, but the formation of Muse began when Bellamy successfully auditioned for the part of guitarist in Dominic Howard's band. They asked Chris Wolstenholme – who played the drums at the time – to learn to play bass guitar for the band; the other original members of Gothic Plague left after Bellamy suggested that they write their own songs rather than doing covers. Wolstenholme agreed and took up lessons, while Bellamy had to become singer and songwriter for the band.

Matt and Dom's first band name was Gothic Plague. After Gothic Plague came Fixed Penalty, and after that, Rocket Baby Dolls. In 1994 the band used the name Rocket Baby Dolls with a goth/glam image to compete in a local battle of the bands. The band won the contest, smashing their equipment in the process. "It was supposed to be a protest, a statement," Bellamy said, "so, when we actually won, it was a real shock, a massive shock. After that, we started taking ourselves seriously." Shortly after the contest, the three decided to forget university, quit their jobs, change the band name to Muse (1994–1995), and move away from Teignmouth. The name "Muse" was inspired by Matt Bellamy's art teacher. The art teacher Samuel Theoun mentioned the word "Muses". Matt then looked it up in the dictionary and decided to shorten it to "Muse." It was also used because it was short and the members felt it looked good on a poster.

1998–2000: First EPs and Showbiz

After a few years building a fan base, Muse played their first gigs in London and Manchester. The band had a significant meeting with Dennis Smith, the owner of Sawmills Studio, situated in a converted water mill in Cornwall. He had seen the three boys grow up as he knew their parents and had a production company together with their manager to be Safta Jaffery.
The Muse logo, incorporated chiefly since the release of Muse EP in 1998

This meeting led to their first proper recordings and the release of the Muse EP on Sawmills' in-house Dangerous label.[13] Their second EP, the Muscle Museum EP, reached number 3 in the indie singles chart and attracted the attention of British radio broadcaster Steve Lamacq as well as the weekly British music publication NME. Dennis Smith introduced the band to Safta Jaffery with whom he had recently started the record label Taste Media. Muse signed with Smith and Jaffery and recorded their first three albums, Showbiz, Origin of Symmetry, and Absolution, with Taste Media.

Despite the success of their second EP, British record companies were reluctant to sign Muse. It was after a trip to New York's CMJ Festival that an American record label flew them to Los Angeles to showcase. Nanci Walker, then Sr. Director of A&R at Columbia Records, flew Muse to the U. S. to showcase for Columbia Records' then-Senior Vice President of A&R, Tim Devine, as well as for American Recording's Rick Rubin. It was during this trip, on 24 December 1998, that Muse signed a deal with Maverick Records. Upon their return from America, Taste Media arranged deals for Muse with various record labels in Europe and Australia, allowing them to maintain control over their career in individual countries.

John Leckie was brought in to produce the band's first record, Showbiz. The album showcased the band's soft style, and the lyrics made reference to the difficulties they had encountered while trying to establish themselves in Teignmouth.

2001–02: Origin of Symmetry

During production of the band's second album, Origin of Symmetry, the band experimented with instrumentation such as a church organ, Mellotron, and an expanded drum kit. There were more of Bellamy's high-pitched vocal lines, arpeggiated guitar, and piano playing. Bellamy cites guitar influences such as Jimi Hendrix and Tom Morello (of Rage Against the Machine and Audioslave), the latter evident in the more riff-based songs in Origin of Symmetry and in Bellamy's extensive use of pitch-shifting effects in his solos.The album also features a reworking of Anthony Newley and Leslie Bricusse's "Feeling Good".

Celine Dion was threatened with legal action in 2002 when she planned to name her Las Vegas show "Muse," despite the band owning the worldwide performing rights to the name. Celine Dion offered $50,000 for the rights but Muse rejected this with Bellamy stating that "We don't want to turn up there with people thinking we're Celine Dion's backing band." Eventually Dion was forced to back down.

Origin of Symmetry was well-received by critics; NME gave the album 9/10 with Roger Morton writing, "It's amazing for such a young band to load up with a heritage that includes the darker visions of Cobain and Kafka, Mahler and The Tiger Lillies, Cronenberg and Schoenberg, and make a sexy, populist album. But Muse have carried it off."

Maverick had reservations about Bellamy's vocal style on this album (considering it not to be "radio-friendly" and asked Muse to change some of their songs prior to U. S. release. The band refused and left Maverick, resulting in Maverick's decision not to release "Origin of Symmetry" in the United States. The album was finally released in the U.S. in September 2005, after Muse signed to Warner Bros.

Muse released a live DVD, Hullabaloo, featuring live footage recorded during Muse's two gigs on consecutive nights at Le Zenith in Paris in 2001 and a documentary film of the band on tour. A double album, Hullabaloo Soundtrack was released at the same time, containing a compilation of B-sides and a disc of recordings of songs from the Le Zenith performances. A double-A side single was also released featuring new songs "In Your World" and "Dead Star".

2003–05: Absolution
Chris Wolstenholme of Muse performing at the Mod Club Theatre, Toronto in 2004. The international Absolution tour included the band's first shows in North America since 1999.

Absolution (produced by Rich Costey) was released in 2003 and debuted at number one in the UK. The album yielded their first top ten hit with "Time Is Running Out" and later three top-twenty hits: "Hysteria", "Sing For Absolution" and "Butterflies and Hurricanes". Muse subsequently undertook their first international tour. It continued for about a year and saw Muse visiting Australia, New Zealand, the United States, Canada, and France. Meanwhile, the band released six singles (one being for charity) ("Time Is Running Out", "Hysteria", "Sing for Absolution", "Stockholm Syndrome", "Butterflies and Hurricanes" and "Apocalypse Please"). The US leg of the 2004 tour began ominously as Bellamy injured himself on stage during the opening show in Atlanta. The tour resumed after several stitches and a couple of days.

The band also played at the Glastonbury Festival in June 2004. After the festival, the band described the concert as "the best gig of our lives". However, drummer Dominic Howard's father, William Howard, who was at the festival to watch the band, died from a heart attack very shortly after the performance. "It was the biggest feeling of achievement we've ever had after coming offstage", Bellamy said. "It was almost surreal that an hour later his dad died. It was almost not believable. We spent about a week sort of just with Dom trying to support him. I think he was happy that at least his dad got to see him at probably what was the finest moment so far of the band's life". The single Butterflies & Hurricanes was dedicated to Dom's dad. Muse then continued their tour. They won two MTV Europe awards, including "Best Alternative Act" and a Q Award for "Best Live Act". Muse also received an award for "Best Live Act" at the 2005 BRIT Awards. Muse lost out twice to The Libertines for the NME award Best British Band, in 2004 and 2005. In July 2005, Muse participated in the Live 8 concert in Paris.

2003 saw the band sue Nestlé, who used their cover of Nina Simone's "Feeling Good" on an advert for Nescafé without the band's permission. They donated the compensation money to Oxfam.The main reason behind the legal action was the bassist Chris, who at the time had his third child, and was against the company that had a dubious reputation when it came to the promotion of powdered milk to new mothers in the third world.

An unofficial and unauthorised DVD biography containing no Muse music called Manic Depression was released in April 2005; the band was not involved with the project and did not endorse the release. Another DVD, this time official, was released by the band on 12 December 2005, called Absolution Tour. The official release contained re-edited and re-mastered highlights from the Glastonbury Festival 2004 and previously unseen footage from London Earls Court, Wembley Arena, and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Two songs, "Endlessly" and "Thoughts Of A Dying Atheist", are hidden tracks on the DVD taken from Wembley Arena. The only song from Absolution not to appear on the live DVD is "Falling Away With You", which has never been performed live to date. Absolution eventually went Gold in the US.

2006–08: Black Holes and Revelations and HAARP
Muse playing "Starlight" at Reading and Leeds Festivals on 28 August 2006

In 2006, Muse released their fourth album, Black Holes and Revelations, co-produced by Muse and Rich Costey. The album's title and themes are the result of the band's fascination with science fiction and political outrage. The album charted at No. 1 in the UK, much of Europe, and Australia. It was also a success in the United States, reaching number nine on the Billboard 200 album chart. Prior to the release of the new album, the band resumed making live performances, which had halted while recording, making a number of promotional TV appearances starting on 13 May 2006 at BBC Radio 1's Big Weekend. The Black Holes and Revelations Tour started just before the release of their album and initially consisted mostly of festival appearances, most notably a headline slot at the Reading and Leeds Festivals in August 2006. The band's main touring itinerary started with a tour of North America from late July to early August 2006. After the last of the summer festivals, a tour of Europe began, including a large arena tour of the UK.Black Holes and Revelations was nominated for the 2006 Mercury Music Prize, but lost to Arctic Monkeys. The album did, however, earn a Platinum Europe Award after selling one million copies in the continent. In August 2006, Muse recorded a live session at Abbey Road Studios for Live from Abbey Road.

The first single from the album, "Supermassive Black Hole", was released as a download in May 2006. It was later followed by general releases as a single the next month, all ahead of the main album release. The second single, "Starlight", was released in September 2006. "Knights of Cydonia" was released in the US as a radio-only single in June 2006 and in the UK in November 2006. "Knights of Cydonia" was voted number 1 in the world's largest music poll Australian Radio's Triple J Hottest 100 for 2007 and 18th in Triple J's Hottest 100 of All Time in 2009. The fourth single from the album, "Invincible", was then released in April 2007.[45] Another single, "Map of the Problematique", was released for digital download only in June 2007, following the band's performance at Wembley Stadium.
Muse at the Rock im Park, Germany in 2007

The band spent November and much of December 2006 touring Europe with British band Noisettes as the supporting act. The tour continued in Australia, New Zealand, and Southeast Asia in early 2007 before returning to England for the summer. Possibly their biggest performances to date were two gigs at the newly rebuilt Wembley Stadium on 16 and 17 June 2007. Both Wembley concerts were recorded for a DVD/CD titled HAARP, which was released on 17 March 2008 in the UK and 1 April 2008 in the USA. The touring continued across Europe in July 2007 before heading back to the US in August where they played to a sold out crowd at Madison Square Garden, New York. They earned a headline spot on the second night of the Austin City Limits Music Festival on 15 September 2007, after The White Stripes cancelled their performance. Not long after, they also performed at the October 2007 Vegoose in Las Vegas alongside bands like Rage Against the Machine, Daft Punk, and Queens of the Stone Age. Muse continued touring in Eastern Europe, Russia, and Scandinavia before moving on to Australia and New Zealand. Muse played their final show of the Black Holes and Revelations tour as headliner of the KROQ Almost Acoustic Christmas after playing to sell-out crowds throughout Southeast Asia, Australia, the United States, and New Zealand.

A number of individual live appearances also occurred in 2008. In March, they played concerts in Dubai, Johannesburg, and Cape Town.On 12 April they played a one-off concert at the Royal Albert Hall in aid of the Teenage Cancer Trust. Muse were present at Rock in Rio Lisboa on 6 June, along other bands such as Kaiser Chiefs, The Offspring and Linkin Park. The band also performed at a new gig in Marlay Park, Dublin on 13 August and were set to play at a gig in Belfast on 14 August. However, the Belfast date was dismissed according to The Belfast Telegraph. Kasabian and Glasvegas supported Muse on their Irish date. A few days later, they were the headline act at V Festival 2008, playing in Chelmsford on Saturday 16 August and Staffordshire on Sunday 17 August.They also hinted at the possibility of a future stadium tour or concerts in South America.

On 25 September 2008, Bellamy, Howard and Wolstenholme all received a Honorary Doctorate of Arts from the University of Plymouth for their contributions to music.

2009–present: The Resistance
Muse performing "Resistance" at the National Indoor Arena, Birmingham on 10 November 2009.

The band's fifth studio album The Resistance was released in September 2009. It is the first Muse album to have been produced by the band itself. The album was engineered by Adrian Bushby and mixed by Mark Stent. On its release, it topped the album charts in 19 countries, became the band's third number one album in the UK,and reached number 3 on the Billboard 200. Critics were mostly positive about the album, with much of the praise directed towards its ambition, classical music influences and the thirteen-minute, three-part "Exogenesis: Symphony". It also beat its predecessor Black Holes and Revelations in relative album sales in its debut week in the UK with approximately 148,000 copies sold. The first single "Uprising" was released seven days earlier.

The Resistance Tour started with a Seaside Rendezvous in Teignmouth, Devon in September 2009 and included headlining Coachella Festival in April 2010. It also included two gigs at Wembley Stadium in September 2010. The band also supported U2 for their U2 360° Tour. In the "Breakfast with Muse Concert" KROQ held, Muse was asked how long they would be on tour. They commented saying in a paraphrase, "We will probably be touring until the end of next year. We will be doing this U2 and European tour and ship off to Australia and Asia and return for an extensive US tour. It will actually be our longest US tour to date. Starting at about the end of February or March."
Bellamy performing at the Oracle Arena, Oakland, California, on 12 December 2009

In January 2010, Muse headlined the Big Day Out festival at its various venues in Australia and New Zealand starting with Auckland and eventually ending with Perth. Muse headlined Coachella on Saturday 17 April. Muse also headlined the Glastonbury Festival 2010 along with Gorillaz and Stevie Wonder as well as the Oxegen festival in 2010 alongside Arcade Fire and Eminem. The group were also headline on the 2010 Hovefestivalen, as well as T in the Park 2010 and among other festivals, including the Austin City Limits Music Festival. On 20 April 2010, the band announced fourteen dates for a North American tour, which will be held between September and November 2010. In addition to this, the band have added further four dates to their forthcoming North American tour, on 28 April 2010. On 7 May 2010, it was announced that Muse would provide a pre-written song to be the lead single for the third film of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse. The soundtrack's lead single "Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever)" was released on 17 May.
Muse on stage in Melbourne, Australia, 2010

Muse played at Glastonbury in June 2010 and were joined onstage by The Edge from U2 to play "Where The Streets Have No Name", after U2 pulled out of their headlining slot due to lead singer Bono's back injury.

Muse's fearsome live reputation helped secure them the O2 Silver Clef Award in London on 2 July 2010.The award was presented by Roger Taylor and Brian May of Queen. Taylor described the Warner-signed trio as "probably the greatest live act in the world today," while May said that "this is a magnificent, incredible group."

On 12 July 2010 bassist Chris Wolstenholme informed NME magazine that the band would be taking a break following the conclusion of their world tour supporting The Resistance. He also stated that the band would definitely begin recording material for a new album in 2011.[80] Also, on 8 September, frontman Matthew Bellamy claimed in an interview with NME that the music for the band's next studio album would be more "personal" and more fitting for smaller scale performances as opposed to their current stadium tour.

In 2010, Muse topped a poll by popular music magazine NME for their cover of Nina Simone's song "Feeling Good" as the greatest cover song of all time. Over 15,000 people voted.

On 12 September 2010, Muse won an MTV Video Music Award in the category of Best Special Effects, for the promo for "Uprising". On November 21, Muse took home an American Music Award for Favorite Artist in the Alternative Rock Music Category, in a ceremony at the Nokia Theater, Los Angeles. On 2 December, it was announced that Muse had been nominated for three awards for the 53rd Grammy Awards: Best Rock Performance By a Duo or Group with Vocals - ("Resistance"); Best Rock Song - ("Resistance"), and Best Rock Album: (The Resistance). Based on having the largest airplay and sales in the U.S, Muse were named the Billboard Alternative and Rock artist for 2010 with "Uprising", "Resistance" and "Undisclosed Desires" achieving 1st, 6th and 49th on the year end Alternative Song chart respectively. At the 53rd Grammy Awards on February 13, 2011, Muse won the Grammy Award for Best Rock Album for The Resistance.

Musical style

Muse are an alternative rock band, and are often associated with space rock and progressive rock.[4] Some of their music mixes elements from genres such electronica, classical music and rock opera. Many Muse songs are recognisable by lead vocalist Matthew Bellamy's use of falsetto and vibrato influenced primarily by Jeff Buckley. As a guitarist, Bellamy often utilises arpeggiator and Pitch-shift effects to create a more "electric" sound, citing Jimi Hendrix and Tom Morello as influences for this method.

Muse's album Black Holes and Revelations was influenced by various styles of European and Asian music. "I've been listening to quite a lot of music from the south of Italy on this album", Bellamy admits. "I've been living in Italy for a while, and I discovered this music from Naples, which sounds like a mix of music from Africa, Croatia, Turkey, and Italy. It kind of gives it a mystical sound, so I think that's one thing that influenced the album. I like being influenced by things that have a mixed style".
Muse have cited Queen as an influence. Queen guitarist Brian May has praised Muse's work, calling the band "extraordinary musicians" who "let their madness show through, always a good thing in an artist."[89] In particular, Dominic Howard noted the influence of Queen on "United States of Eurasia".

On the band's association with progressive rock, Dominic Howard has said: "I associate it with 10-minute guitar solos, but I guess we kind of come into the category. A lot of bands are quite ambitious with their music, mixing lots of different styles — and when I see that I think it's great. I've noticed that kind of thing becoming a bit more mainstream."

Current members

* Matthew Bellamy – lead vocals, lead guitar, piano, keyboard
* Christopher Wolstenholme – bass, backing vocals, rhythm guitar, harmonica

* Dominic Howard – drums, percussion, synthesizers, occasional backing vocals

Live members

* Morgan Nicholls – keyboards, percussion, synthesizers, backing vocals, bass, guitar ("United States of Eurasia") (2004, 2006–present)
* Dan Newell – trumpet ("Knights of Cydonia" and "City of Delusion") (2006–2007)
* Alessandro Cortini – keyboards (filled in for Morgan Nicholls briefly in 2009)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

PESEdit 2011 Patch 1.4

PESEdit 2011 Patch 1.4

PESEdit 2011 Patch 1.4 Features:
* Added more than 100 new players to the database.
* New boots: adidas adiZero Prime Black/White/Electricity, Nike MV Superfly II Windchill/Obsidian/Blue.
* New faces: Cordoba, Di Maria, Gebhart, Pinto, Olic, Rensing, Rossi, Wesley, Vidosic, Ze Roberto.
* New kits: 1860, Aris, Brazil, Classic Argentina, Classic Brazil, Classic England, Classic France, Classic Germany, Classic Italy, Classic Netherlands, Duisburg, France, Hannover, Iran, Kuwait, Lecce, Metalist, Napoli, Oberhausen, Saudi Arabia, Sevilla, Uzbekistan, Villarreal.
* NEW TEAMS: Standard de Liège & Trabzonspor.
* Transfers up-to-date 22/01/11.
* Updated Germany map (see screen).



Ahmad, Chris, christopher91, Marc, Pat, philipp123, RKO, Simcut

Stranxk Adidas Finale London, Derbystar Eredivisie OMB
Other ball makers will be added as soon as possible.

Distribution 3D Previews, adidas Predator_X
ibrakadabra8 Nike T90 Laser III
Miguelstyle Nike MV Safari CR7
sadwjp Puma PowerCat 1.10
WECN adidas Copa Mundia, adidas F50 adiZero, adidas Predator_X, asics Tigreor,
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[4D]Nossy Ibisevic, Jones, Luiz Gustavo
Agiga Barrios, Piszczek
Ahai Fucile
Albertocp Bruno Soriano, Renato
Anasie10 Biabiany, Gameiro, Matuidi
Arnau Chygrynskyi, Valdez
Blackjuve Lukaku
Cgf Gonalons
Cigman Antonini, Badstuber, Eto’o, Hamsik, Hazard, Koscielny, Pique, Tevez
DPZone Coloccini, Diego, Dzeko, J. Hernandez, Joaquin, Leggrotaglie, Pedersen,
Drift Reus
Duner Alexis, Obasi
El Fluppe Bargfrede
El Nazho Szalai
El Nino 9 Carroll, Forlán
Felipe Pflanzer Ganso, Özil
Futbolist777 Hummels, Kuba, Subotic
Hawke Chevanton
Hitfacer Salihovic, Riether
Illuminati Gusiev, Milevskiy, Mykhakyk, Storari, Shevchenko, Srna, Yussuf
Jelly Großkreutz, Pieters, Schmelzer, Schürrle
KB Castro, Reinartz, Sam
Kevski Cisse
Leo_Messi_10 Holtby
Maze32 Lanzafame, Rafinha
Michi1860 Bender
Mystiq Benaglio
Newnitnum Albrighton
nickless Abate, Arnautovic, Bebe, Breno, David Luiz, Diakhate, Hugo Almeida, Kaboul,
Lewandowski, Mario Suarez
Petrboat Cech
Romantik Derdiyok, K. Jones, Lens, Wilshere
Saintkei De Gea
Sergio Fuchs
Sersh Schwegler
Stevie Höwedes
thgo Neymar, Renato Augsto
Vadim Ernst
Victor Vidal
WUDF Delpierre

alen_petrin Adidas referees
Asiat CSKA Moskva, Norway, Russia
Astracell Iran
Biker Jim Belgium, Mali, Unirea, West Ham
Cuky Hajduk
Deo reloaded Osasuna
Diablos Guinea
Dimas Almarza Peru
FLR Bolivia
frontliner28 Belgium, Qatar, Wolverhampton
Josemigol Málaga
jvinu2000 Bielefeld, Ecuador, FSV Frankfurt, Hannover
klashman69 Levante
Kolia V. Lviv
Mare 93 Birmingham, Man City, Wigan
mstar Arsenal, Aston Villa, Besiktas, Blackburn, Everton, Frankfurt, Fulham, Gladbach,
Hertha BSC, Hoffenheim, Leverkusen, Nürnberg, Salzburg, Sunderland, West Bromwich
Müller Bento Hércules
Pat (PESEDIT) 1860, Aachen, Aue, Augsburg, Austria, Bahrain, Bern, Bochum, Bolton,
Bulgaria, Bursaspor, Chile, Cottbus, CSKA Sofia, Debreceni VSC, Dortmund, Duisburg,
Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Freiburg, Fürth, Gent, Hércules, Hamburg, Hapoel, Hoffenheim,
Ingolstadt, Kaiserslautern, Karlsruhe, Köln, Mainz, Las Palmas, Lech Poznan, Leverkusen,
Newcastle, Nürnberg, Oberhausen, Odense, Osnabrück, Paderborn, Partizan, Rapid
Wien, Saudi Arabia, Schalke, Sevilla, St. Pauli, Steaua, Stoke, Stuttgart, Switzerland,
Union Berlin, Uruguay, Wolfsburg, Zilina
Prame33 Blackpool, Chelsea, Liverpool
Raindrop 1860
Tottimas Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Bosnia, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, China, Costa
Rica, Croatia, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, Greece, Honduras, Hungary, Japan, Lausanne,
Montenegro, Morocco, Nigeria, North Korea, Oman, Paraguay, Poland, Romania,
Senegal, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Syria, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad, Tunisia, Turkey, UAE,
Ukraine, USA, Venezuela, Uzbekistan
Txak Real Sociedad
Venom Almeria, Belgium
VinVanDam13 Lecce, Palermo
Virtuared Liga Adelante kits apart Las Palmas

arquero7171 & r4m130 Adboards
denxho ML sponsors

Game Graphic Studio by obocaman
Kitserver by juce & Robbie
PES 2011 Editor by w!ld@
ZLIB Tool by juce
If we missed you in the credits

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Download Album Four Year Strong - Enemy of the World 2010

 Track listing

1. "It Must Really Suck to Be Four Year Strong Right Now"   3:16
2. "Tonight We Feel Alive (On a Saturday)"   3:43
3. "Wasting Time"   3:18
4. "Nineteen With Neck Tatz"   3:24
5. "Find My Way Back"   3:28
6. "What The Hell Is A Gigawatt"   3:07
7. "One Step at A Time"   3:06
8. "This Body Pays The Bill$"   3:20
9. "Paul Revere's Midnight Ride"   3:55
10. "Flannel Is the Color of My Energy"   3:29
11. "Enemy of the World"   4:02

Download Album Set Your Goals - This Will Be the Death of Us 2009

Track listing 

All lyrics written by Jordan Brown; music composed by Set Your Goals.

1.     "This Will Be the Death of Us (feat. Vinnie Caruana)"    
2.     "With Hoffman Lenses We Will See the Truth (interlude)"      
3.     "Look Closer"                                                 
4.     "Summer Jam"      
5.     "Like You to Me"     
6.     "The Fallen..."      
7.     "The Few That Remain (feat. Hayley Williams of PARAMORE)"      
8.     "Equals"      
9.     "Gaia Bleeds (Make Way for Man) (feat. Jon Gula)"      
10.     "Flawed Methods of Persecution & Punishment"    
11.     "Arrival Notes (Interlude)"      
12.     "Our Ethos: A Legacy to Pass On (feat. Chad Gilbert)"     

Monday, January 10, 2011

2010 Concert Agenda in Indonesia for 2011 (January - May)

Indonesians love music, there is no doubt about it. The Indonesians' enthusiasm of live music keeps on increasing every year. Next year in 2011, Indonesians will be satisfied with a lot of live concerts that will be held. Here is the list of some concerts that have been confirmed and announced by the promoters for January until May. Please take note that there are many upcoming concerts that have not been announced yet, I'll update them later as soon as they are announced.

So here are some upcoming concerts that will be held from January until May:

8 January: Secondhand Serenade live at Sabuga Bandung

9 January: Secondhand Serenade live at Gramedia Expo Surabaya

10 January: N*E*R*D live in Indonesia at Istora Senayan, Jakarta

19 January: Four Year Strong and Set Your Goals live in Jakarta at Tennis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta

22 January: Ne-Yo live in Indonesia at Istora Senayan, Jakarta

7 February: Rick Price live in Jakarta at Balai Sarbini, Jakarta

8 February: Deftones live in Indonesia at Tennis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta

15 February: Two Door Cinema Club live in Jakarta at Tennis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta

17 February: Iron Maiden - Final Frontier World Tour live in Indonesia at Gelora Bung Karno Stadium, Jakarta

20 February: Iron Maiden - Final Frontier World Tour live in Indonesia at Garuda Wisnu Kencana, Bali

22 February: Jakarta Jam 2011 Day 1 featuring We The Kings, Never Shout Never, and I See Stars live at Tennis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta

23 February: Jakarta Jam 2011 Day 2 featuring The Starting Line and New Found Glory live at Tennis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta

4 - 6 March: Java Jazz Festival 2011 featuring Santana, George Benson, Kenny Loggins, Sondre Lerche, Fourplay, and many more at Jakarta International Expo Kemayoran, Jakarta

13 March: Stone Temple Pilots live in Indonesia at Carnaval Beach Ancol, Jakarta

26 March: MGMT and The Whitest Boy Alive live in Indonesia at Bengkel Night Park, Jakarta

3 April: Jimmy Eat World live in Indonesia at Tennis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta

23 April: Justin Bieber live in Indonesia at SICC Sentul, Jakarta

27 April: Maroon5 live in Indonesia at Istora Senayan, Jakarta [SOLD OUT]

14 May: Hey Monday, A Rocket To The Moon, and The Downtown Fiction live in Jakarta at Tennis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta

*NOTE  :  schedule can change at any time
Please enjoy and I hope I'll see you in one of those concerts.

source: and

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Download Call of Duty Black Ops

Call of Duty: Black Ops is a first-person shooter video game developed by Treyarch, published by Activision and released worldwide on November 9, 2010 for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, and Nintendo DS (separate version developed by n-Space) consoles. Announced on April 30, 2010, the game is the seventh installment of the Call of Duty series, and the first to be set in the Cold War. It is the third in the series to be developed by Treyarch, and is a sequel to the developer's Call of Duty: World at War.

Within 24 hours of going on sale, the game sold more than 7 million copies, 5.6 million in the U.S. and 1.4 million in the U.K., breaking the record set by its predecessor Modern Warfare 2 by some 2.5 million copies. A subtitled version was released in Japan on November 18, 2010. A Japanese-dubbed version was released on December 16, 2010.

Download Link (Use JDownloader for easier and faster download)  :

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Part 21